Thursday, April 30, 2009


Never thought much about alcohol, some people would say. It just gets people woozy, puke all around the place without worrying about the people who have to clean up after them.

It just gets people trying their best to walk or drive in straight lines without worrying about the people or cars who have to do their best not to collide.

It just gets people so brave without worrying if their tones or brash actions would hurt the people they love.

It just gets people boasting about their alcohol intake capacity without worrying their overworked liver may, one day, quit on them.

We will just take it in moderation, the people would say. We can control. Tell that to the drug addicts, the gambling addicts, the game addicts, the shopping addicts, the bubble-tea addicts. What is the statistics? Will more than 4 out of 10 control or go on rampage?

Well, it doesn't really matter to me, except that I seem a bit woozy on the couch. Is my fur all crooked? Am I looking good in this picture?

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