Sunday, April 19, 2009

Angels and Demons *novel spoiler*

People’s faith and their spiritual well-being versus the cold immaculate logic. God versus Science.

There would always be people who have the mentality that God and Science cannot co-exist. Will you accept that the proof of God can lie in a test-tube and that it can be proven in the lab instead of through the heart and miracles? Or have you never considered this implication at all while thinking that Science can be used to support God’s existence?

There will be arguments that science and God can co-exist, and there can be a balance. Yet is it really generally true? Or is it just the society’s falsified truth? Look at the destruction of nature around us. Nowadays, it is indeed disappointing to hear from people that nature is just limited to the park, nature reserves and zoos. Only an average of 30%- 40% of the forests in the world still remain (can be referred). We are just simply consoling ourselves.

And one more interesting question brought up would be the definition of God. In the eyes of the linguists, it is still debatable whether God is definitive, or connotative, meaning if God is concrete and real, or being abstract? Out in the world, there would be people who seeks the truth after God in the name of science. Some of them may come to the conclusion that God is something beyond, a higher power, and they may not believe in God as others say through the bible and pastors where God is defined by His Word and that would be the bible.

In personal view, in this present era, I feel that the truth may be more warped than ever, for there is a large number of people walking the path of God in the aspects of the bible which are convenient to them. There is struggle, but many can settle for just compromising to the majority and this is also one issue brought up in the book itself as well.

In the novel, there is the introduction of this concept, according to my interpretation. Science is causing Man to advance too fast for their spiritual development to catch up. That is why when new technological prospects come up, the scientists may be tempted to breach the ethical code in the name of research, or that people are more tempted to try out the destructive side of the technological prospect than the productive side of the technological prospect. One hard and cold evidence would simply be the technology in nuclear. Nuclear was first used as a weapon before it is used as a means of providing energy to the consumers.

The novel itself opens up more grey area between humans' faith and truths, where the truth may actually cast us in despair while the lie, which is not supposed to be condone, will set many free.

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