Monday, June 1, 2009


Called in by Lady Boss.

"What's your preference?" she asked, as according to a few choices I could have for my future job scope for the next half a year.

"Well, I am really interested in option C," I replied. To be positive, to show understanding, I have to add in, "Of course, that is just my preference. I will still adhere to the organisation's needs."

Lady Boss nodded and repeated my added point too, as if I do not fully understand that. She said, "I called you in to find out about your preferences, so we can decide on your deployment."

Sounds nice and understanding. 100 points to consideration. Then, (lol), things went down the drain, when she said, "We were thinking of giving you option A."

Hmm... So they have actually already decided. Crap... I have erred in the very beginning. My preference should be what they have thought in the first place.

The whole thing really felt like a game. I did not understand the rules then. I have to start revising my leadership course I took - Let them think they have their choices. Let them feel that you sympathise and empathise with them. SO THAT they would be less resistant to the decisions that affect them.

Weird game.

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